Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Masacre

As usual nothing good can happen to the Pirzaad Family. Especially when there is a house full of people. It's New Years Day, the weather is shitty rain and cold wind, inside is hot fires and angry yelling. Of course K Pirzaad (Not specifing which one) has to have the 2nd of her winter break breakdown, so the Family of the Pirzaad Inc. will chose her bratty drama queen issues over younger Pirzaad's Bratty neediness. So Being the Pirzaad she is, she has a major break-down blaming the 3 little satanic spawns of Pirzaad House for her inability to control her anger. This Pirzaad of course spells out her need for recognition at the any different activities she was responsible for, this winter break. But then again, we all helped out and my mother did most of the work and you don't see her needing recognition. But that's how the Pirzaad Family is, they do a little and want all the recognition in the world whereas my mother actually does the world of work and gets nothing at all.

K. Pyaar Kay

Monday, December 20, 2010


I hate this season. It makes my son-of-a-bitch cousins at my house 24/7. They're mean, bitchy, rich, spoiled, rude, uncouth, uneducated, slutty, retard, animals. I wish I were anywhere else. I wish I were alone or preferably several hundred miles from here.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I can't Stand Life

OK. So I have decided to take a sabbatical from life because I can't deal with the following issues in my life: My Father's Abandonment, New year at School, My Ex's Crazy Sister, The Garbage and My mother.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Often as a child you dream about being a doctor, police officer or fireman. You believe you can do anything at this point. The world is in your hands and that nothing can stop you. As you mature your dreams begin to change and you often think about being a surgeon, a detective, in other words you begin to imagine more in depth. You begin to think in detail what you want to do. Then comes your years of highschool where you begin to realise that the world that was once yours actually has other people, and that in order to become a doctor, officer or even lawyer has it's own prerequisites. That you need a lot of education to think about these options much less dream about them. Then your dreams become more selective. Much like mine. Today I made a fool of myself by sharing my dream. My dream to become Attorney General of my providence, and like usual my dream was completely ridiculed. Why? Because I can't clean (Much less defend and protect laws) because I don't have a part-time job (How can I possibly be Attorney General if I don't have a part-time job?

Thanks for the rant readers!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How Do I Feel

When I first found out I was pissed, then I was sad, then I was confused, now, I want revenge.

He had the gall to embarrass me by marrying her.

At first I was graceful in congratulating him in his nuptials, I even said I was happy for him. I went to the wedding; danced, sung and made merry, even though I was screaming inside. It killed him to see me happy, and for that I kept on playing the part. After I left I cried and screamed in the privacy of a lonely apartment, that way no -one would witness my fall. I ached for weeks, hoping for a glimpse of him, without her, and then I did. He approached me tentatively, as if afraid to say anything. I gave him a big smile and gestured for him to come and speak to me. We were isolated, no-one who knew of our story was around, so we spoke freely. He asked me how I was doing. I lied. He tried to apologise. I didn't let him. He told me he wanted to be married, and I said I wasn't ready, so he married someone who was. I told him I was happy because now I could move on as well. We left and went our separate ways.

What will happen now?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Am I broken?

Every time they touch, I tremble, with hate pouring through my veins. I think I am crazy, I see things I shouldn't it makes me angry, the angrier I get, the more violent I become. How many steps am I from crazy? I mean certified You-are-out-of-your-mind-and-therefore-are-needed-to-be-taken-away-from-society-Crazy, not just, "Hey man, that's freaking crazy" How old am I? In years, relatively young, then why am I so tired, exhausted, with life, I feel as though I lived through it all. That this is all but a recap of a life I have lived before. I feel as though I am well over 10 years old, with the scars to prove it. Am I alive or am I a corpse no yet buried. I feel as though time has stopped. Although I am at the end of another year, I am not looking forward into life but looking for an excuse to be rid of life. When this happens to a person does that mean death is near. Am I finally going to be free of the life, I was forced to live?

Friday, December 25, 2009

I see Red.

So I have come to my father's and Step mother's place for Christmas break in order to get away from my annoying and bitchy cousins (not all, just a few, and by that I mean 1) I miss my mom, brother grandmothers, grandfather and friends. The disgusting this is that my step-mom and dad keep romancing in front of me. It's disgusting. This is the woman he left my mother for, doesn't he have any shame, at least in front of his only daughter.

You'll hear more, I am here for a month (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
