Thursday, July 23, 2009

Family - Bound with many Boundries

Whether you believe it or not, we all have the same family problem. That's right there is only ONE problem but different situations depending on how you deal with them.

In each Family there is:

The Vamp: The Persons in which problems always surround.

The Aristocrat: The Persons in which have a Bull-Shit "superiority complex" and makes everyone sick, but no-one admits it.

The Bitch: The person who seems to cause most of the problems but has a personality disorder, as much as you hate this person, you cannot help but love them.

The Moderator: The person who always ends up finding a solution or compromise to the problem.

The Cry Wolf: The person who always has the gossip. The person doesn't add their two cents, they add their 2 Mountains and and some wine.

The Card: The one person who doesn't seem to give a damn, but always knows what is going on where. This person is the one to have on your side during the fights.

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