Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I am in Hell - Literally

Hello Wonderful Readers,

I am currently residing in Hell, I am at my Uncle's place for the week. He has two sons (Which one of them is actually a demon) Arun and Amar. Arun is 2 1/2 and has attitude like a 20 year old. Amar, the little angel, is only 8 days old. I am here to escape my other cousins who are coming for the week (They are Lucifer's Children) and when they leave I will be able to go home. Oh, and not to make things worse I had to move My stuff out of My room for those little demons. They're taking over everything I am sure. My Shelf, my book case, my dresser, EVERYTHING! Now I feel I should go home just to make sure they don't break anything! You never know what those devil's will do.

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